Friday, August 1, 2014

It's a Family Affair!

This day might be our craziest day yet with this license plate quest.  A lot of what made today possible is the fact that my wife is a teacher and has some time off in the Summer.  So today was one of those days they had nothing planned and that turned out to be a very good thing.

Sawyer's Aunt (who works at a hospital) calls his mom to tell him she just saw a South Carolina plate in the parking lot.  Within minutes they bolt out of the house and are on their way.  My wife calls me to tell me the news.  While I'm on the phone with her I get another call.  It's my parents....they are hot on the trail of a Black Kia with a Utah plate.  I'm shaking my head as our entire family seems like they have joined in this search.  Here's where it gets a little whacky (yes, I know....even more whacky).

My mom says 'do you need this one?'  and I think she says 'do you have this one'.  When I respond with a 'no' they stop following it for a brief moment.  By the time I get the confusion cleared up they try to find it again.....thinking it pulled into a Lowe's or Festival parking lot.  They search down the rows and come up empty.  Very disappointing.  I'm actually embarassed by my level of disappointed.  This quest has beomce something much more meaningful to us than ever imagined.

But Sawyer did get South Carolina so that was cool. 

But the story is not done.  Mom tells the kids that if they are good this morning they will drive through the mall parking lot to look for more plates.  Not go into the mall mind you, where there are cookies, ice cream, build a bear store, etc.  No, just drive through the parking lot itself.  The kids get all excited and are on their best behavior all morning.

So just before lunchtime they head out there.  You won't believe what they see.  No, it's not a Black Kia but they do find a car with Utah plates.  Crazy.  They snap that one up and then find two more yet.  Oklahoma and Nebraska!  The Nebraska one Mom pulls into a handicapped spot next to it and they jump out only to realize there's a guy in the car and the engine is running.  They quickly snap it without him even noticing (they think) and hop back in to make a quick getaway.

Whew!  Who knew taking pictues of license plates could be so exciting.  We are getting down to the it's really going to get difficult. 

38 down 12 to go!

South Carolina




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