Monday, July 14, 2014

Explanation of what this is all about

My 6 year old son Sawyer and his mom came across a license plate game at The Learning Shop recently. Sawyer wanted to get it and mom talked him out of it saying we'll probably never even see all of those license plates anyway.  We did end up buying the game a few weeks later (see first picture below).  After that Sawyer started spotting them on the road as we were prove mom wrong of course.  That evolved into mom taking his picture next to different license plates they came across as those cars were parked (although not all the time as you'll soon find out).  It didn't take long for this to develop into a challenge to get his picture taken in front of all the different license plates we could find......with the goal of getting all 50.

Since we live in Wisconsin that is going to dictate how easy it is to get certain ones without travelling too far.  No I don't plan on taking any family vacations to Alaska or Hawaii to get his picture in front of a license plate.  A friend of mine did say he saw a Hawaii license plate when he was on vacation in there is hope yet.

I'm just looking to document this challenge and hopefully meet some interesting people along the way and perhaps have a fun story or two to tell.  So here goes....

Culver's parking lot in the drive thru line to get ice cream.  Kids have pajamas on already and no shoes.  We see a car parked with an Alabama license plate.  Mom and Sawyer quickly jump out of the car after some coaxing and take a picture of Sawyer in front of the back bumper.  Many other people in line in their cars are probably wondering what the heck we are doing.  The wackiness has begun!

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