This is my favorite story from this license plate quest so far. I told my friend Dan about this license plate game and the blog and how Hawaii and Alaska will be next to impossible to come across. See my state dificulty rankings in an upcoming post (I have Hawaii and Alaska #1 and #2). If you read my very first post you may recall that he actually saw a Hawaii license plate in Florida when they were on vacation several years ago.
So I see a text on my phone from Dan on a Thursday's now about 9:30 and the kids have been in bed for a good 30 minutes. There is a red truck with a Hawaii license plate parked a block away from his house! I race upstairs to see if Sawyer is still awake. Not sure if I would have woken him up if he was still sleeping. Ok, yes, I would have. He's still awake. He bolts out of bed when I tell him and soon we are racing out of the driveway to hopefully find a parked red truck from Hawaii a few miles away.
We're in luck....there it is as we pull onto the street. I think Sawyer nearly shrieked when he saw it. We jump out of the car and I'm taking his picture as night falls. A guy is walking by on the sidewalk as I'm doing this. I keep quiet and go about my business wondering what he's going to say. 'Ahh...taking a picture of the Hawaii license plate I see.' We start talking and I realize this is a realtor that I met on the golf course last year that I actually played a few rounds with in my work golf league. He lives right next door from where this red truck is parked. He loves our idea and tells me to email him which states I'm missing. He'll let me know when he hears of anyone coming into town looking for a house from those states. Now I don't want this to be too easy but that might help me get some more I would otherwise struggle to find. We'll see if he's able to help me out at all. Still can't believe we can check off Hawaii just a few weeks into this thing. Crazy. Mahalo Dan!
21 down 29 to go!